Hair follicle drug test or a hair drug test checks for illicit drugs in your system as well as the abuse of prescription drugs. In this testing method, a small piece of hair is taken from your head and checked for any signs of drug use. These are analyzed for drug use in the 90 days before the test.
Some companies may ask new hires to undergo drug tests such as a blood test or a hair drug test to check for illicit drugs. Some require their employees to undergo random hair drug tests. Some studies recommend using hair drug testing for monitoring the use of certain drugs in individuals who are classified as high-risk.
Myths about passing hair follicle testing

Hair testing is known as the most efficient, fool-proof way of determining drug use weeks or even months beforehand. Since this is rarely done, people have had myths about passing this test, here are the most common.
Shave your hair bald to pass hair follicle testing.
Some people think that if you shave your hair the night of the test, you will be able to pass. This is the most common myth about this drug exam and is completely untrue. If the examiner or technician finds that you have shaved your head bald during the day of the exam, he will take a hair sample from your body or body hair instead.
The test requires at least 1.5 inches of hair sample but if hair from the scalp is too short, the technician may use body hair follicles. There are lab studies that a body hair sample can be more accurate and more efficient than a head hair sample and can detect drug use as far as a year.
Dye your hair the night before to pass a hair drug test.
Some people believe that hair dyes can cheat your way out of a hair drug test. This is completely untrue as head hair follicles are examined thoroughly in a laboratory or hospital setup. Therefore, even if you dye, cover, color, or style head hair, the exam will still detect any drug use. However, hydrogen peroxide can be used for hair follicle test with some success.
Use a special detox shampoo to wash away drugs from your hair.
There are some products called detox shampoos that is meant to wash away drugs from your hair. However, these will never work and will only wash away dirt, oils, and grime. Some brands claim to remove drugs and help you pass a follicle test even when you use it the night before. Again, this won’t work and will only clean your hair and scalp.
Second-hand smoke of illicit drugs such as marijuana will result in a positive hair drug test.
Second-hand smoke such as smoke coming from marijuana joints (THC) won’t lead to a positive drug test. But it’s always best that you avoid secondhand smoke from any drugs to avoid health problems.
How to clean your hair for a drug test?

Hair follicle drug testing is standard lab tests to determine the history of drug use. It is useful in the detection of amphetamines, methamphetamines, marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, PCP, and opioids such as codeine, morphine, or 6-acetyl morphine.
If you’re scheduled for a hair follicle drug screen, you should start preparing months or weeks before. To clean your hair before this lab exam, consider the following techniques.
Abstain from using any type of drugs.
The best and the most effective way to pass hair follicle drug tests or urine tests is to completely abstain from using any form of drug at least three months before the scheduled exam date. Remember that this kind of exam determines how far back you’re taking illicit drugs or abusing prescription drugs and thus, you need to prepare as early as possible. You will remove all drug metabolites from your bloodstream and pass a hair follicle drug test if it is done randomly.
Use detox brands weeks before the test.
As we mentioned before, there are no hair products that will help you pass a hair follicle drug test. However, you can use these shampoos together with other detox products at least three months before the scheduled date of examination.
Hair follicle drug test shampoos vary in content or active ingredients. Some are made from Aloe vera while some are made from chemical ingredients that are known to strip off metabolites from the hair. Follow the steps on how to use detox brands and as much as possible, use these regularly for 90 days or more to ensure success.
Use the Macujo Method
The Macujo Method is a popular routine hair follicle drug test passing technique that produces great results. However, you need to follow the steps carefully. Prepare the following: warm water, apple cider vinegar, Clean and Clear or Neutrogena wash, Old Style Aloe Rid Shampoo (Aloe Toxin Rid), any laundry detergent soap like Ultra Clean.
1. Stop consuming illicit substances or abusing prescription drugs as soon as possible. This will make sure that all drugs are removed from your bloodstream before hair follicle drug testing.
2. Immediately after you stop consuming drugs, damp your hair using warm water. Do not soak it
in water.
3. Use apple cider vinegar; apply a good amount on your hair using gentle but thorough massage movements. Do this for 10 minutes. Make sure that your hair is soaked with vinegar. This is common home remedies to remove drugs from hair strands on the hair and body.
4. Add about six pushes of Clean and Clear or Neutrogena wash to your vinegar-soaked hair. Use your fingertips to make sure that the shampoo/cleanser has completely mixed with the vinegar.
5. Allow the vinegar and cleaning mixture to remain on your hair for at least half an hour. Wear a shower cap.
6. After half an hour, wash the mixture from your hair. Clean your hair with Old Style Aloe Rid Shampoo or Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo; follow instructions on how to use this detox shampoo. You can purchase Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo online. Thoroughly rinse the Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo from your hair.
7. Use any type of laundry detergent to wash your hair the second time. Let the laundry soap remain in your hair for half an hour before rinsing it completely.
Never let laundry detergent come in contact with your eyes. Perform this routine daily until the day of the exam. The Macujo Method has been tried and tested by many and has brought excellent results.
Here are the most frequently asked questions about passing a follicle exam.
· Can you detox for a hair follicle drug test?
Yes, you can detox for a hair drug test but it has to be done regularly for at least three months before the scheduled exam date. You cannot detox the night before the exam as there are no detox brands that can remove drug toxins from your scalp and hair quickly. You must prepare for this test months before therefore it’s impossible to pass a random hair follicle drug test.
· How to pass a hair follicle test for CPS?
In some states, a hair follicle drug test is standard procedure to pass CPS or Child Protective Services tests. To pass this test, abstaining from using any drugs or prescription medication as early as 90 days is the best method. Relying simply on quick-pass methods like detox shampoos won’t work. You can also talk to your doctor to help you detoxify your system.
Aside from Child Protective Services, hair follicle testing is also required in Court Ordered Drug Testing, Child Custody Required Drug Testing and Child Protection Required Drug Testing. Drug test results are also needed in other legal proceedings.
· How to pass a hair follicle test in 2 days?
There is no sure-fire technique to pass a hair test in just two days. Inform the technician about possibly failing the exam or reschedule the test.
· How to pass a hair follicle test for methamphetamine?
Hair follicle tests can screen for methamphetamines and other substances. To pass a test for meth, stay away from this drug for at least 90 days as it can detect drug use as far as 90 days. You may use special detox brands to help your body remove methamphetamine toxins but you must use these at least months before the exam.
· How to pass a hair drug test for alcohol?
Court Ordered Alcohol Testing is another popular exam for alcohol. EtG or Ethyl Glucuronide is a metabolite of alcohol or ethanol. EtG alcohol test detection using urine has a lookback period of 80 hours while EtG alcohol testing using hair samples has up to 90 days. You can only pass a hair test for alcohol when you abstain from taking alcohol for 90 days before the test. There are shampoos but these are not as reliable.
· How to pass a hair drug test for weed?
Hair drug tests can detect the presence of marijuana or THC up to 90 days before the test. Again, abstinence is the best way to pass this test and should be done 90 days before the scheduled hair drug test.
Passing urine, blood or a hair follicle drug exam can only be done through abstinence. Shampoo and oral detox and other methods will only work successfully when done together with abstinence.