How do you pass a random drug test for weed? Is it possible to get a negative result when you have only a day or a few hours to prepare? Depending on how much and how often you use marijuana, this is detectable in the bloodstream for 1 to 2 days. There are also cases that THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, may still be detected in the body beyond 25 days. If you’re a chronic and heavy user, it may take more than this to completely remove the psychoactive substances from your body.
If you’re searching for ways to pass a drug test for weed online, you may have come across the term Certo or Certo Drug Test Detox. Certo refers to a product that users take to successfully pass a drug exam. Let’s find out if Certo is worth using and if it works for all kinds of weed users.
What is the Certo Drug Test Detox method?

The Certo Drug Test Detox technique makes use of the product called Certo. This is a brand of home drug detox that you consume orally to get a negative result. Certo is fruit pectin and was initially made to make jams and jellies but eventually, enterprising cannabis users discovered that it can help detoxify the body from illicit drugs and drug toxins or metabolites of these substances. Certo is manufactured by Sure Gel.
Certo fruit pectin or Sure Jell is preferred by users as it is effective for fat-soluble metabolites such as THC. Based on evidence and studies, this product will not work when it comes to water-soluble substances and their toxins as pectin combines with fat cells and bile to remove drug toxins from the body through the intestines.
If your drug of choice is water-soluble or non-fat soluble (such as cocaine), your detox product of choice should work specifically for this substance. Also, abstinence is very important in all detoxification techniques. Refrain from using drugs like marijuana if you need to pass a drug test.
How to pass a drug test with Jello and water?

Certo Sure Jell is liquid fruit pectin. It is used to make homemade jellies like Jello. Fruit pectin is very easy to use and aside from just making jams and jellies, you can also use Certo in different recipes. Here are steps in the basic use of Certo Detox or Sure Jell for a standard drug test.
What you need
- 2 packets of Certo fruit pectin– one fruit fiber pack is 32 ounces
- Water – a gallon is needed
- B2 tablets – this will produce the right color of urine to avoid the appearance of being over-diluted.
- Multivitamin tablets – these will add the correct biochemical dilution of minerals and vitamins in the sample.
- Creatine monohydrate – this will create urine by-products like creatinine and the right dilution.
- Electrolyte drinks such as Gatorade – the job of Gatorade is to add electrolytes in urine; use two, 1-liter bottles of Gatorade.
- Combine one packet of Certo fruit fiber with a liter of Gatorade.
- Close the bottle and shake it to mix the Certo fiber with the Gatorade. You will know that the mixture is ready when it has become thicker.
- Drink this mixture in 15 minutes. Some users don’t like the consistency but you must drink everything. The fruit pectin will bind with the toxins so that these will be removed. Gatorade will make your urine appear normal or simply undiluted urine even if you have taken a to much water.
- Drink a gallon of water three hours before the drug test.
- Repeat the first step. Drink the second sachet of fiber and another liter of Gatorade.
- Take your multivitamins, B2 tablets, and creatine. This will make ensure the correct dilution.
- Urinate a few times before you head off to the specimen-taking area. By urinating several times before the test, the sample you will provide will have smaller or trace amounts of drug toxins. Your specimen may test below the limit used for a positive result.
Certo’s effects will wear off after five hours. If you’re worried that the amount of time is not enough for detox, prepare for the test using four packets of fruit pectin. You can prepare for tests at home when you drink two packets, two bottles of Gatorade, multivitamins, B2, and creatine. Have the same number of items ready before the 5-hour window expires.
Some important tips when using Certo drug test detox

As you may know by now that Certo drug test detox is simply masking the presence of cannabinoids in the bloodstream, removing the traces of drugs from the body, and mimicking the natural components of regular urine: the appearance, color, temperature, and consistency. This is because many drug test labs will initially test urine specimens for these factors before they are subjected to further tests.
Sometimes, technicians will test these factors and use a dipstick to check for other components and toxin levels. Meanwhile, some may further test the sample submitted especially when the client looks suspicious.
Weed detox with Certo will only work best when it’s done together with abstinence from marijuana. Detox methods or weed detox techniques will be the cherry on top. You need to avoid taking drugs for at least two weeks to test negative.
Drink detox products to help you detox for weed faster but don’t drink these when you drink Certo. Hydrating won’t help remove toxins but will only dilute your urine. If you’re a frequent or heavy user, drink this product at least a few weeks before your test. Do not drink other products as Vitamin B3, or baking soda, which may counter the effects of Certo.
Don’t use Certo drug tests if…
- You can’t use Certo or Sure Jell for detox if you only have a few minutes or a few hours to prepare. Your urine may appear too diluted because you’ll be drinking a lot of water and the amount of time won’t be enough for the multivitamins, B2, and creatine to be absorbed in your stomach.
- You can’t use this for detox if you have medical conditions. If you have been diagnosed with medical conditions affecting the gastrointestinal system or you’re currently having constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting, you cannot use this method. Your system won’t be able to function normally in removing marijuana substances and you may only make your condition worse.
- You can’t use Certo for detox if you’re testing for water-soluble substances. This will only work if you’re masking fatty-soluble substances like marijuana and opiates. For water-soluble substances like cocaine, it’s best to use specific detox brands.
Here are the most frequently asked questions about the Certo detox method and drug testing for marijuana users.
Does Certo work for heavy smokers?
This can work for heavy smokers if the test will be two weeks or more away. If you’re a heavy user, cannabinoid amounts remain for more than 25 days in your body and thus, you must refrain from consuming weeks before the test. If this can’t be helped as you’re using drugs as a medicine, you must consult your doctor and weigh your options.
How long does Sure-Jell last for a drug test?
Sure-Jell or Certo method will last for only 5 hours as eventually, your body will digest the fruit pectin and eliminate it through the large intestine. As we mentioned before, you can extend the effectiveness of this method by taking it right before the 5th hour passes. Prepare twice the number of packs of fruit pectin, Gatorade, multivitamin tablets, B2 tablets, and creatine for good measure.
Will Certo and Gatorade trick pass a drug test?
There are reports of people using the Certo and Gatorade method to pass a blood or urine drug test. The main reason for this is that this product combines with psychoactive cannabinoids and eliminates the harmful substances through the feces. However, there is no guarantee that all the toxins will be removed so this is not a sure-fire way to clean your system for a urine drug exam. Follow drug test instructions or urine drug test steps carefully so your specimen won’t be void.
How long does Certo stay in your system?
This product is fruit pectin and will bind with fatty-soluble substances like THC which binds in body fat to remove these substances from the blood through the feces. However, the gastrointestinal system will also digest and absorb Certo and thus, it will only remain for a limited time inside the body.
Usually, this product will only remain for 5 hours. People who are heavy users or those who consumed a lot of weed hours before the exam may test positive for THC after this timeframe is over.
How long does Certo block THC?
This method will block THC toxins from being detected by a urine drug test for 5 hours. This product can block THC because it can bind with fat-soluble substances and then take them to the intestines where they can be released via the feces. After the 5-hour timeframe is over, you may test positive for THC and other toxins so be sure to take a follow-up dose before this 5-hour window is over. You may also use Mega Clean, follow instructions very well.
Does Certo work for coke?
If you’re asking if this gel can be mixed with Coca-Cola instead of Gatorade then it could work as you only need Gatorade to produce enough electrolytes in your urine. Coca-Cola or Coke may contain some electrolytes but not enough as the levels found in Gatorade. So, if you’re planning to use Certo, it’s best to mix this with Gatorade instead of Coke to get the maximum, expected results.
If you’re asking if this works with coke or cocaine, it won’t. This is because Certo only binds with fat-soluble substances, toxins, or metabolites in the body and cocaine is water-soluble. This won’t bind with coke to release it through the intestines. You need a specific detox kit that will work with water-soluble metabolites. You may also try Mega Clean herbal cleanse.
Does Certo Sure Jell work for opiates?
Opiates dissolve in fatty substances and thus, this drug may work with Certo. If you want to use Certo gel to cover up your opiate use, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and to use the designated materials. Follow the usual 5-hour timeframe for Certo to work in your system and remember to re-take Certo if you think that you need more time than the allowable 5-hour time frame.
Sure Jell product is available in local grocery stores and supermarkets. You don’t need a prescription to purchase one. If you don’t have any medical condition or you’re healthy, you may try Certo at home. Alternatively, try one of the best fake urine brands.