Drug tests are required in many scenarios. You need to pass one before employment while random tests are mostly provided by employers. You may be asked to take a drug test during probation, DUI charges, and child custody. If your results are doubtful, it could cost you your job, your family, your freedom. This is why users look for effective ways to beat drug tests. One of the most common home remedies believed to help even heavy users cheat drug exams is vitamin B3 or niacin. Let’s find out if niacin can help pass a drug test and if this is safe to use. Remember, there is only one sure-fire way to beat a drug test and that is abstaining from drugs.
How to pass a drug test with niacin in 24 hours

Niacin is a part of the B vitamins family and is known simply as vitamin B3. There are two forms of niacin and each one has a different effect. These forms of niacin are found in food but you can also get niacin in multivitamins, niacin supplements, and B vitamins pills.
When you check out niacin from pharmacies or healthcare stores, you’ll find it in two forms: nicotinic acid and niacinamide or nicotinamide. Nicotinic acid is a supplement used to decrease cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease in narrowed blood vessels.
Niacinamide or nicotinamide prevents some forms of skin cancer and is used in the treatment of psoriasis. This form does not reduce cholesterol. Because niacin is a water-soluble substance, the body is unable to store it. The body excretes excess vitamin B3 if this is not needed.
This ability of vitamin B3 to bind with water-soluble materials has made it a good candidate for removing substances such as toxins in the body. However, the use must be regulated to avoid some serious side effects. Also, the ability of the body to excrete excess vitamin B3 and other substances has made users believe that niacin can bind with toxins and metabolites and clean the body.
Niacin detox pills dosage for THC cleanse
Niacin is marketed as detox pills or as THC cleanse. These are over-the-counter products that you can take to help your body cleanse. The reference daily intake or RDI of vitamin B3 depends on your gender and age. The therapeutic dose of this vitamin is higher than RDI values and must be taken with the help of your doctor.
Niacin RDI for adolescents and adults
Doses of niacin depend on your age.
- Males 14 years old and above – 16 mg per day
- Females 14 years old and above – 14 mg per day
- Pregnant women – 18 mg per day
- Breastfeeding women – 17 mg per day
When it comes to taking niacin as detox pills, the dosage is higher and varies depending on the brand. Here are some products you will find online
- NusaPure Flush Free Niacin Pill 500mg in softgel form – dosage is one softgel daily
- NOW Supplement Niacin Pill 500mg, double strength, flush-free – take 1 vegetable capsule/pill daily or as needed.
- Nature Made Niacin 500mg flush-free softgel form – take 1 softgel with water or with food.
- Bluebonnet Flush Free Niacin500 mg vegetable capsules – take 1 capsule daily
Niacin is used for the treatment of conditions like hyperlipidemia and the prevention or the reversal of vitamin B3 deficiency. These may come with inositol hexanicotinate. For lab testing, stick to the safe dosage and never go above this level. You can use niacin as daily supplementation with doses from 14 mg to 50 mg.
People who want to use vitamin B3 to detoxify for a drug test should stick to a dose of 500 mg to 2 grams which is the dose recommended for metabolic syndrome. With this dose, you can burn fat faster and more efficiently until the time of the test.
The increased fats burn will release this cannabinoid from the fat cells so these may be removed from the body. On the day of your test, vitamin B3 is used to create a yellow urine color in case you have a diluted urine specimen. However, too much niacin can trigger more fat burning and this must be avoided especially during the time of the test.
Vitamin B3 is safe only when used up to 2 grams per day for an average male. Going far beyond this dose can lead to dangerous effects. Also, overdosing on niacin won’t help you pass a drug test. Aside from causing dangerous side effects, your urine specimen will only appear suspicious.
What to remember when using niacin supplements for drug tests

Persons who are using a niacin pill for urine tests should remember the following.
Do not go beyond the recommended level for niacin
Stick to 500mg to 2 grams of niacin for drug detox. Taking more than this amount can lead to dangerous effects. Use niacin supplements instead of taking niacin detox products as these have more precise formulations.
Do not use other kinds of detox methods if you’re using niacin
If you have decided to use Vitamin B3 for cleansing, do not use other products. The same goes for using other types of cleansers. Let the product work, trust the system. If you use more than one kind of cleansing product, you’ll end up overloading your system. You may also experience enhanced unwanted effects if you use more than one kind of detox product or supplement.
Do not use niacin for drug tests if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding
If a user is pregnant or breastfeeding and is asked to take a drug test, do not use niacin for cleansing. Taking more than the recommended dose of 18 mg per day can cause dangerous effects which can affect your unborn child. Also, niacin crosses breastmilk, taking too much can affect your baby as infants from 0 to 6 months only need 2 mg per day while babies 7 to 12 months only need 4 mg per day. We will discuss further the unwanted effects of niacin in the following section.
Do not use niacin if you have diabetes
If a user has diabetes, he must avoid using niacin for detox. There are other safer and more efficient methods to use. Niacin can affect blood glucose management and hence, it can affect the way your body uses sugar and how your diabetes medication manages your condition. If you want to detox from drugs, avoid using this method Consult your doctor for the best and the safest method to use.
Do not use niacin if you have arthritis gout
A user who has gout should avoid using this method and also using the niacin for passing a drug test. Vitamin B3 can cause uric acid retention in the blood or hyperuricemia. This places you at risk for developing gout. Your doctor can help you find safer drug detox alternatives if you suffer from gout or you’re at risk for the condition. Since niacin is also needed for normal metabolic functions, your doctor will likely prescribe a safer or more tolerable dose.
Using Niacin Flush Free
Now you know how niacin and inositol hexanicotinate works, how it can help a user with medical conditions, and how to use niacin, we’ll go ahead and check out a very popular product in the market known as Niacin Flush Free.
Niacin Flush Free is also known as Niacinol with a generic name of Inositol Niacinate. According to a medical review by Drugs.com, Niacin Flush Free is used to enhance blood flow in patients who are diagnosed with poor circulation. It can also be used for other conditions and it’s best to talk to a doctor for guidance when it comes to use.
Niacin Flush Free has been extensively used in the detox of different drugs. You must be careful when taking this supplement especially when you’re allergic to inositol niacinate or any component of this drug. You should not take this product if you are allergic to any kind of drugs, foods, or any products with vitamin B3.
This method is contraindicated for a user who has bleeding tendencies or any kind of bleeding problems. It is not for people with liver problems, ulcers, other digestive system conditions, and those with high liver enzyme levels (ALT, AST, ALP, and CGT).
Also, taking niacin with other drugs like prescription drugs, OTC drugs may be harmful. Do not discontinue your medications as you take Niacin Flush Free.
This method is recommended by the manufacturer for THC detox, weed detox, urine tests, and saliva test. If you are submitting a urine sample to a laboratory, follow instructions carefully. The human urine sample must be submitted fresh; the urine sample will be tested by a licensed technician. Meanwhile, a saliva test is performed by a technician.
The side effects of this niacin supplement
The side effect of taking this detox method is rare for healthy individuals. But some people suffer from deadly side effects. You should get help if you suffer from any of the following side effects of this supplement.
- Allergic reactions– allergic reactions or symptoms vary from person to person but usually, you may develop side effects such as rashes, hives, redness, swelling, severe itching, blisters, and peeling skin. You may or may not have any increase in body temperature. You may suffer from chest or throat tightness, problems with breathing, talking or swallowing. Some people may experience hoarseness and swelling of the throat. Tongue, face, mouth, and lips.
- Any sign of elevated sugar levels – because vitamin B3 affects blood sugar synthesis, diabetics may suffer from hyperglycemia due to insulin resistance. Symptoms like sleepiness, confusion, being very thirsty and hungrier, urinating more often, increased or labored breathing, flushing, and breath that may smell similar to fruit or sweets.
- Any sign of liver damage– people who have liver problems may show signs like tiredness, poor appetite, stomach upset, stomach pains, dark-color urine, light-color stools, yellowing of the skin due to liver toxicity, yellowing of the eyes, and nausea or vomiting. Liver failure or liver damage may also occur.
- Muscle pains or muscle weakness
- Dizziness
- Pressure over the chest area or chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Excessive sweating
- Metabolic acidosis
- Liver failure
Minor side effects of Niacin Flush Free
The following are very common, minor untoward effects that people experience when taking doses of this medication. Usually, these conditions go away without the need for any medical assistance but if these persist, contact your doctor or seek medical help at once. Stop taking doses of this product once you experience these symptoms. Monitor your blood pressure, creatinine levels and for any signs of flushing
- Itching
- Diarrhea
- Stomach aches
- Nausea or vomiting
- Lack of appetite
- Slight increase in body temperature
Before taking Niacin Flush Free, remember the following:
- If you have a health condition and you want to use this supplement to detoxify from drugs, talk to your doctor first. Toxicity is common in people who have underlying medical conditions.
- Your doctor may likely ask you to undergo bloodwork after you use Niacin Flush Free especially when you have conditions like diabetes, gout, and digestive problems to avoid toxicity.
- Monitor your blood sugar levels closely and regularly if you have diabetes. This vitamin can interfere with sugar levels in blood cells and the effects of diabetes medications.
- Avoid taking alcohol or limit your drinking to only less than three drinks. An excessive amount of alcohol can increase your chance of developing liver conditions such as liver failure. Also, alcohol use can lead to increased flushing.
- Never use other drugs like medications for increased cholesterol (simvastatin and atorvastatin). Some problems were reported by people who combined these drugs leading to deadly effects. If you use these medications and you want to take Niacin Flush Free, consult your doctor first.
- This is not for women who are pregnant or those who plan to become pregnant. It is not for women who are breastfeeding as this product can cross the placenta and can move through breastmilk and affect your child. Abstaining from drugs may be done safely while your pregnant or breastfeeding; talk to your doctor to help you plan your cleansing.
Avoid the risk, side effects/niacin toxicity with the following:
- Take this with a meal and water. This will help counter possible gastrointestinal effects and niacin overdose, Plus food will also help detoxify drug toxins or other harmful components from the different cells of the body.
- Do not use hot water or hot drinks, alcohol, foods rich in fats, and spicy foods. These drinks and food may affect the way this product works. If you’re using this product to help you pass a drug test, it may counter the outcome of the exam.
- Do not take two doses at a time or suffer from niacin toxicity. If you forget a dose, skip it. Remind yourself to take the next dose and the succeeding doses on time.
Other flushes for drug tests

Cleansing drinks to help you pass a drug test are readily available online. Some products are made from natural ingredients while some are from artificial components. Some cleansing products are designed to work with weed only while some for amphetamines or methamphetamines only. Still, some flushes claim to help clean the body from all types of drugs. Let’s check out the most popular ones:
RU Clean Stinger Detox Drink
One of the most popular cleansing drinks is Stinger Detox Drink from RU Clean. Similar to Mega Clean, this is a complete kit that comes with testing strips to help you prepare for your urine drug test. This product claims to work as fast as 1 hour to give your body total cleansing.
Stinger Detox Drink is very easy to use and can help you remove all metabolites, harmful components, and drug toxins in just an hour. This detox drink is made from safe herbal products which is why it’s among the most trusted cleansing drinks.
Stinger Detox Drink is guaranteed to help you take control of your drug use. It comes with test strips for cocaine, methamphetamines, opiates, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, and THC. With Stinger Detox Drinks, you can test for drugs even at home.
Applied Science Rescue Detox 5 Day Permanent Detox Kit
You can’t rush cleansing from drugs which is why Applied Science has come up with Rescue Detox Drinks, a 5-day cleansing product set. The detox pack includes a Head Start Formula, Morning Formula, Evening Formula, and Ice Caps. It can help enhance creatinine levels in cells, remove toxins from bodies, and in cases when you need to cleanse from drugs.
This dietary product is all-natural with no preservatives, sweeteners, and flavors. It claims to permanently cleanse the body from all dangerous toxins but you must abstain from taking any drugs once you begin your 5-day cleansing. Rescue Detox Drinks is for people who weigh below 200 pounds and have moderate amounts of toxins in the body. It is easy to use and your purchase gives you access to live cleansing coaches 24/7 for total success.
The Freedom The Liquid Stuff One Hour Cleansing Drink
The Liquid Stuff is made from a custom blend of herbs including Mullein, dandelion, milk thistle, Hawthorne, Uva Ursi, Devils Claw, and Burdock, to name a few. Another product similar to Mega Clean, this cleansing drink can help cleanse your body cells from toxins and works faster than other cleansing products. There are many reasons why The Liquid Stuff is used but it’s more common in cleansing.
The Liquid Stuff also comes with creatine and vitamin B2 to support detoxification. It is also one of the tastiest cleansing products with delicious grape flavor. Take this a few hours before your urine drug test because it is effective for 5 hours.
Total Cleanse Body Detox – THC 2 Days to Cleanse Formula
Total Cleanse Body is a cleansing drink that claims to remove toxins from the blood, saliva, urine, and digestive tract as fast as 2 days. This product is made from natural ingredients including raspberry, milk thistle, beetroot, and other potent antioxidants. Total Cleanse offers full-body detoxification and cleansing. It is all-natural so you won’t have to worry about untoward effects. Total Cleanse is available in the maximum strength formula. There are other reasons to use Total Cleanse other than drug cleansing.
Herbal Clean Same-Day Premium Detox Drink
Herbal Clean is a 1-step maximum strength cleansing drink made from natural ingredients like alfalfa leaf extracts, bromelain, cornsilk extract, dandelion root, and creatine monohydrate to name a few. Take this hour before a test for maximum effectiveness as it starts to work almost immediately. It is developed for people with high toxin levels and large body masses. You can also use Herbal Clean cleansing drink to replenish lost nutrients and to restore balance.
Niacin reviews for drug test
The use of vitamin B3 to ace urine exams has mixed reviews. Some people who have used this technique agree that it works while health and drug regulators advise against its use.
People who have tried niacin-based products and supplements say that it’s safe, effective, and low-cost. They agreed that if they needed to undergo another drug test, they will certainly turn to niacin for detoxification. Almost all users recommend sticking to the recommended dose and advice using products accordingly and following instructions especially if you have medical conditions and you want to use this product for weed detox.
Meanwhile, organizations and groups related to regulating health and drug use advise against it. The CDC has published evidence in 2007 titled: “Use of Niacin in Attempts to Defeat Urine Drug Testing – Five States, January – September 2006” has revealed that there is a significant number of people using niacin to defeat urine drug exams. These attempts resulted in conditions ranging from increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, and skin rashes. Other evidence showed that some users were treated at a health care center and no deaths were reported. This review was taken from Colorado, Idaho, Hawaii, Nevada, and Montana.
Another case report showing evidence was published in 2018 at NCBI about the use of vitamin B3 to detoxify the body to evade drug exams. Case report evidence mentioned that there is no evidence that vitamin B3 works and there are also instances that young adults suffered from vitamin B3 toxicity because of taking a lot of medications.
What are niacin pills used for?
Niacin pills are used for the treatment of niacin deficiency, hyperlipidemia, psoriasis, and other conditions. Niacin is a part of vitamin B vitamins but is also available in individual form.
Niacin pills are also used to cleanse from drug metabolites, toxins, and other components such as THC in weed. Those who wish to pass a urine drug test use niacin pills to get favorable outcomes.
What does flush-free mean?
The word “flush” in niacin pills means the ability of the drug to reduce any side effects. When you’re using Niacin Flush Free, you won’t experience classic side effects like flushing, gastric upset, itching, redness, and more. There’s not much known about this type of niacin. Studies show that the active form of vitamin B3 may not enter the bloodstream. Therefore, you can’t expect this type of niacin to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
How long does it take for niacin to work?
Vitamin B3 works 4 to 6 hours. This is why you should consume niacin or niacin products at least 4 to 6 hours before you take other medications or before a test. It can also take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours for niacin levels to peak in the blood.
Does niacin flush weed out of the system?
Niacin can remove weed from the body, but, you need to take a niacin product at least a few days before your scheduled drug test. Also, you must abstain from using weed for at least a week to guarantee good results in your scheduled drug test.
How many niacin pills should I take to pass a drug test?
The number of niacin pills to take depends on your body size, health condition, and how long you have been taking drugs. You must not exceed 500 mg to avoid dangerous side effects. If you have a medical condition such as diabetes, gout, or arthritis and you want to use niacin pills for cleansing, consult your doctor for the safest and most effective dose to pass a drug test.
Does niacin work for coke?
Niacin may help remove toxins and metabolites of cocaine but you need to start early. You must abstain from using cocaine at least one to two weeks before the test. If you’re scheduled for a random drug test, a niacin product may not work at all.
Does niacin flush free help pass a drug test?
Yes, vitamin B3 may help pass a drug test but don’t rely on this method alone. You need to partner this with abstinence to ensure success. If you plan to use Niacin Flush Free, check instructions beforehand. Talk to your doctor if you have any medical conditions that may affect this product. If you’re testing for THC, Niacin Flush Free may help. Consult your doctor if you’re using this for THC detox for weed or you want to use niacin pills to pass a drug test.
Which niacin is best for a drug test?
There are two forms of vitamin B3 but inositol niacinate is best to help pass a drug test. Inositol niacinate is the generic name of Niacin Flush Free or Niacinol. This type of vitamin B3 is effective in the treatment of poor circulation and other medical conditions.
How long does a niacin flush last?
Niacin Flush Free should start a week before a scheduled test although other similar products recommend days or hours before the exam. We recommend starting early and abstaining from drugs ASAP to get the best results.
Where can I buy niacin flush pills?
You can purchase niacin pills from online stores or natural health stores near you. Check shopping sites, blog sites, and articles related to drug testing to find the best deals when you buy Niacin Flush Free.
Does niacin permanently clean your system?
Vitamin B3 and niacin products are temporary fixes. To permanently clean your body from drugs, metabolites, and toxins, we recommend abstinence and lifestyle changes to fully recover from drugs.
Can niacin be detected in a drug test?
Niacin use is undetected in urine and thus, you can use niacin for cleansing and no one would know. Niacin and other components may also help color urine to its natural yellow-tinged color. Only metabolites are detected like THC. THC is the psychoactive component in weed. THC can make you high with high-THC cannabis strains used by recreational users.
Using certo, baking soda, synthetic urine, or niacin for drug tests is controversial with people and agencies having mixed reviews. It’s best to study your options, review your health history and always consult your doctor before you start.